Posted in ministry, Pastor's Wives

Healthy Boundaries in Ministry

I absolutely LOVE ministry! I love that I get to have a front row seat to what God is doing in the lives of people I love! I love being in the middle of all the action and being part of how God is using the church to reach the world! I LOVE IT!!!!


Sometimes ministry is overwhelming. Sometimes it’s draining. Sometimes I feel like I’m empty and cannot take another moment of ministry. I read stories of burnout and wonder if I’ll be next….


I don’t want to burn out! I don’t want to dread going to church or being around people! I want my life to be a ministry all the way to the end- crossing that finish line to hear “Well done!” at the end!


How do we find the balance between LOVING ministry and yet not letting it take over our lives so much that we cannot continue loving ministry? I believe that having healthy boundaries is the answer.

Check out a recent article I wrote about having boundaries here:

And be sure to click through to all the other great articles on The Creative Little Church site! Laurie & her team have an amazing heart for small churches and ministry leaders! The resources here are incredible!