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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!


I'm a pastor's wife with two growing daughters striving every day to be the best ME that God created me to be! I'm passionate about communicating the amazing truth of God's Word in new and creative ways. I am creative and messy, outwardly fun-loving but secretly shy; sparkly, frizzy, joyful, and casual. I hate mustard, roaches, doing laundry and monkey movies. I love music, chocolate, flowers, and the beach. This blog is about my life and thoughts as a "not so perfect" pastor's wife. Living, learning, and loving to lead in the Lord. (See? I have proven that I'm married to a pastor by my alliteration abilities!) ( =

3 thoughts on “Hello world!

    1. Thanks, sis!
      I’m excited about getting started, especially now that the computer stuff is out of the way and I can just get to writing. Probably won’t be the same as the e-mails since I’m not sure I want perfect strangers knowing exactly how crazy my life is…but you never know…I might get desperate for people to read it, so I might have to resort to shock value…( =


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