Posted in Easter, What God is Teaching Me, worship

What the Cross Means to Me

The last couple of weeks, in preparation for Easter, I’ve been asking the question: What does the cross mean to you? I’ve asked everyone in our church…yes, it’s a fairly small church…but it was still a lot of people! Many of the answers were expected: salvation, forgiveness, sacrifice… good stuff. But some answers were a lot more personal: without Jesus’ death on the cross I would still be addicted to drugs, lost, without purpose. In the children’s department several little ones talked about how the cross makes them sad because Jesus was hurt on the cross while some of the others talked about Jesus understanding when they hurt because of the pain he felt on the cross. The senior men’s class pointed out that Jesus’ was our substitute on the cross, and there is no substitute for the cross. (Actually the conversation went more like “What does the cross mean to you?” “There is no substitute!”… “You’re wrong: Jesus was our substitute”… “No substitute, that’s what I said”… “No, Jesus was our substitute”…”What was that?”…”Jesus WAS our substitute!”… “Oh, well, that’s true, too.”  Then I left them to continue their discussion while I moved to a class that could hear me better...)

Several people put a lot of thought into their answers. My daughter (9) asked me when I was going to ask her class my question because she had a really good answer. So I asked her “What does the cross mean to you?” “Well, since Jesus died on the cross and rose again, I know He can do ANYTHING!” She was right. It is a good answer. One lady who was abandoned by her family as a child, buried her husband at an early age, and her daughter just a year later answered: “No matter how bad things get in this life, Jesus will take us by the hand and lead us with love, comfort and strength.” I know that the cross means everything to her!

It has been so good thinking and reflecting on the cross this Easter season! Normally, I tend to be focused on programs & costumes, candy & cooking, new dresses and shoes to match…This year has been a lot more simple. Focus on the cross. What does it mean to me? Because of the cross not only am I saved from my sins and can look forward to spending eternity in heaven…it also gives me strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow! Thank You for the cross, Lord!

What does the cross mean to you?

Happy Resurrection Day! HE IS RISEN!


I'm a pastor's wife with two growing daughters striving every day to be the best ME that God created me to be! I'm passionate about communicating the amazing truth of God's Word in new and creative ways. I am creative and messy, outwardly fun-loving but secretly shy; sparkly, frizzy, joyful, and casual. I hate mustard, roaches, doing laundry and monkey movies. I love music, chocolate, flowers, and the beach. This blog is about my life and thoughts as a "not so perfect" pastor's wife. Living, learning, and loving to lead in the Lord. (See? I have proven that I'm married to a pastor by my alliteration abilities!) ( =

5 thoughts on “What the Cross Means to Me

  1. I love how you take the time to ask so many people… what a great way to point their focus towards the savior as well! To me… the cross provides purpose for this temporary life. Your title is great! I can attest, as a PW… I too am not so perfect 🙂


    1. It was great getting so many different perspectives that I may not have thought of on my own.
      Purpose. That’s a good one. So very true!
      (And I like your title, too. Hot Pursuit! Made me want to read it!) 🙂


  2. Two of my favorite words are justification (just as if I’d never sinned)
    & sanctification (set apart with a purpose / plan) & without the cross
    they could never be applied to me. Believe it or not ;0 this pw still
    has a sin problem & some days are worse than others. I need the
    cross & that sin cleansing blood. The older I get the more I realize
    what a horrid sinner I am.

    The third stanza of “It is Well” (my favorite hymn) says “My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!’

    With it always comes the words to one of my favorite verses, Col. 2:13-14 “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;”

    Thankfully, it didn’t end with the cross. . .Sunday’s coming! 🙂


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